Minggu, 05 Desember 2010

Fw: Leonardo Di'Caprio

Leonardo Di'Caprio

Ada Satu Orang Ambon ngaku kalo dia 
Leonardo Dicaprio.
Satu hari, tuh Ambon meninggal. Tiba di akhirat Malaikatnya dari Manado : " Heh Sapa ngana pe nama?"
Ambon : "Leonardo Dicaprio"
Malaikat: "Masa leh ngana pe nama itu? Batul ka ?? Tunggu sabantar, saya mo batelpon dulu!"
Malaikat langsung ambe HP.  Si Ambon bingung, malaikat mo batelpon ke sapa?
Malaikat: "Halooo..? Boleh saya ba tanya? Sabanarnya Titanic itu tenggelam atau tabakar ka?? Napa Leonardo so angus bagini ka.......???@@#$%#@??


Fw: WW II - America - The War-Winning B-24 production line

WW II - America - The War-Winning B-24 production line

This film is very interesting - one B-24 Bomber aircraft every 55 minutes . . . 

THE AXIS HAD NO IDEA THE U.S. WAS CAPABLE OF THIS KIND OF PRODUCTION.  There is no way they could have even guessed.  

For those who live outside Michigan; Willow Run is near Bellville, Canton and Ypsilanti, Michigan, USA.
The Plant held the distinction at the time of being the world's largest enclosed "room."

At its peak, Willow Run produced 650 B-24s per month by 1944.

By 1945, Ford produced 70% of the B-24s in two nine hour shifts.  

Pilots and crews slept on 1,300 cots waiting for the B-24s to roll off the assembly line at Willow Run.

It's amazing that one B-24 [with over 1.25 million parts] came off the assembly line every 55 minutes !!!

Take a few minutes to watch this snapshot of what the US military-industrial-manufacturing history, achieved then.  Most likely, this is now taken over by the Chinese, not only on military hardware, but more so on all of the "consumptive" junks that America wants & buys thru Wal-Mart.

Double Click on: Bomber_plant.wmv


Fw: Liburan yuk.........This is a Cruise Line . . . + Typing Errors

This is a Cruise Line . . .

Sure beats the Cruise-To-Nowhere junkets.  




 L u x u r y    C r u i s e    L i n e s- EXTREME ADVENTURE LUXURY CRUISES!

Now Accepting Reservations! Additional cruise information available below.



To The Point Cruise Lines is excited to offer the ultimate adventure cruise,
along the pirate-infested coast of Somalia
. . .



Ultimate Adventure Cruise Route

Rates and Availability



 Ship Name

Starting Price



 Sun Splendor



Fully Booked

 Grand Voyage



Reservations Available

 Horizons IV



Reservations Available

 Horizons III



Fully Booked

 Grand Voyage II



Fully Booked

 Grand Voyage III



Reservations Available

 Coastal  Paradise



Reservations Available

 Coastal  Paradise II



Reservations Available

 Peril Princess



Fully Booked

 Peril Princess II



Reservations Available










We board our luxury cruise ships in Djibouti on the Gulf of Aden near the entrance to the Red Sea, and disembark in Mombasa Kenya, seven adrenaline-charged days later.
Reservations start at only $5,200.00 per-person (double occupancy, inside room)
and $6,900.00 (verandah complete with bench rest).


You'll relax like never before !!!

That's because you are welcome to bring your own arsenal with you.
If you don't have your own weapons, you can rent them from our onboard Master Gunsmith.

Enjoy reloading parties every afternoon,
with skeet and marksmanship competitions every
night !!!

But the best fun of all, of course, is . . .


. . . Pirate Target Practice !!!



The object of our cruise is to sail up and down the Somali Coast waiting to get hijacked by pirates !!!



Weapons rentals:




Weapon Selection



AK-47 Light Assault

Per Day

On a budget? Rent a full-auto scope-mounted AK-47 for only $9/day
with 7.62 ball ammo at $12 per 100 rounds:

M-16 Full Automatic

Per Day

Rent a full auto M-16 for only $25/day with ammo
attractively priced at $16 per 100 rounds of 5.56 armor-piercing:

Barrett M-107 50 Caliber

Per Day

Hello! Nothing gets a pirate's attention like a Barrett M-107 50-cal rifle; only $59/day with 25 rounds of armor-piercing ammo
affordably priced at only $29.95.

RPG Launcher

Per Day

Want to make a real impact? Rent an RPG for only $175/day
with three fragmentation rounds included!
A true favorite among pirates, rent one today and show you care!







Customer Testimonials

"Six attacks in 4 days were more than I expected. I bagged three pirates, my wife nailed two,
and my 12-year old son sank two boats with the mini-gun.
This wonderful cruise was fun for the whole family"-- Fred D., Cincinnati, OH

"Pirates 0, Passengers 32! Well worth the trip! Can't recommend it highly enough!" -- Ben L., Bethesda, MD

Twin mounted mini-guns are available for rental
at only $450.00 per 30 seconds of sustained fire !!!


Additional Cruise Line Services

  • Need a spotter ??? Our professional crew members can double as spotters for only $30/hour.
    (spotting scope included, but gratuities are not)
  • Also included: Free complimentary night vision equipment -and throughout the night, coffee, pastries and snacks are always available on the main deck from 7pm until 6am
  • Our deluxe package comes complete with gourmet meals and all rooms offer a mini-bar




We guarantee you will experience at least two hijacking attempts by pirates
or you'll receive an instant $1,000 refund upon arrival in Mombasa.

How can we make that guarantee ??? We operate at 5 knots just beyond 12 nautical miles off the coast of Somalia, thus in international waters where pirates have no rights whatever.
In fact, we make three passes through the area's most treacherous waters to ensure maximum visibility by Somali mother ships.
We repeat this for five days, making three complete passes past the entire Somali Coast.
At night, the boat is fully lit and bottle rockets are shot every five minutes, with loud disco music directionally beamed shore side to attract maximum attention.



Cabin space is limited so you need to respond quickly. Reserve your package before May 31st and get a great bonus -
100 rounds of free tracer ammo in the caliber of your choice !!! So sign up for the Ultimate Somali Coast Adventure Cruise now !!!




Reserve Now -and be automatically entered to win a 5 minute time slot on the Captain's own Twin Browning 50 Caliber M2HB installation !!!

"I haven't had this much fun since flying choppers in 'Nam. Don't worry about getting shot by pirates . . . they never even got close to the ship with the crap they shoot and their lousy aim . . . Come on board and bag your own clutch of genuine Somali pirates !!!"
 -- Mike W., Savannah , GA

"Holy crap !!! I mean literally, I crapped myself !!!  This gun shook the deck like thunder, and I was laughing so hard I just had to release it.  AWESOME !!!             
-- Jim W., Tampa, FL




Typing Errors

A daughter sent a telegram to her father on passing her
 B.Ed exams, 
which the father received as "Father, your daughter has been successful in 


A husband, while on a business trip to a hill station sent a telegram to his wife "I wish you were here." 
The message received by the wife was "
I wish you were her." 


A man wanted to celebrate his wife's birthday by throwing a party.
So he ordered a birthday cake. T he salesman asked him what message he wanted put on the cake. 

He thought for a moment and said, 
'Well...put "You are getting older" at the top, 
"But you are getting better" at the bottom.'

When the cake was unveiled at the party all the guests were aghast at the message on the cake. 
It reads, 
"You are getting older at the top, but you are getting better at the bottom


Moral of the Story:


01. Double proof read everything before you send.

02. Don't trust others to write it right for you.

03. Don't order cakes by telephone.



Fw: Buka Akun Pesbuk

Buka Akun Pesbuk

Ada seorang laki2 desa yg pengen belajar facebook'an trus dia g tau yg harus dilakukan makanya dia SMS temen perempuannya buat ngajarin Facebook,, isi smsnya dalam bahasa jawa, kurang lebih begini:

Bono : Mar, warahi aq gae fesbuk yoo..
Marni : Oke, kowe wes nang ngarep komp?

Bono : wes, aq yo wes ndue email
Marni : Sipppp (y) bukaen, browser firefox, nek ga ngono internet explorer…

Bono : browser ki opo?
Marni : klik menu start trus golekono tulisane Internet explorer

Bono : trus pye?
Marni : ketik di kotak paling dhuwur, "www.facebook.com" trus enter

Bono : oke, trus???
Marni : Lek wes metu gambare, isinen form pendaftaran

Bono : ngendi ne seng di isi, kok ga ono opo2…
Marni : mosok, nang layar ono tulisan opo?

Bono : mung tulisan tok, nduwor dewe ono tulisan "The page cannot be displayed"
Marni : wah, kliru paling kowe nulis judule...

Bono : wes bener kok, www.facebook.com
Marni : ehm, mungkin koneksi internetmu mati...|

Bono : opo butuh internet tο, ndek omah ga ono internete Mar...?
Marni : WOOOOO KAMPRET. drijiku sampe kriting… tibake ra ono koneksi... !

Bono : Ooo, yo wes, kapan2 ae lek aq nang warnet tak sms neh… suwon yoo…
Marni :... podo2, emailmu opo?

Bono : emailku www.cahganteng2010@yahoo.com. Iku digaweke kancaku, tapi rung tau tak bukak
Marni : email kok ono WWW ne ki рiye tο

Bono : WWW ki opo tο....
Marni :
Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullah Wabarakatuh…

Bono : Oooaalaaahhh
ya wes suwun yo Mar...
Marni : . . . . Ndeso tenan . . .

Based on TRUE STORY...


Jumat, 03 Desember 2010

Fw: Childbirth at 75

Childbirth at 75

With all the new technology regarding fertility, such as EIVF [enhanced in vitro fertilization], recently, a 75-year-old very goodfriend of mine was able to give birth. When she was discharged from the hospital and went home, I went to visit her and her still robust and athletic 80-year-old husband.

"May I see the new baby ??" BADU asked.

"Not yet." she said.  "I'll make coffee and we all can talk for a while first."

Thirty minutes had passed, and BADU asked again, "May I see the new baby, now ???"

"No, not yet." she said.

After another fifteen minutes had elapsed, BADU asked again, "May I see the baby, now ???"

"NO, not yet." again, she replied.

Growing very impatient, BADU asked . . . "Well, when can I see the new baby ?!?"

"WHEN HE CRIES !!!" she replied.

"WHEN HE CRIES ?!?!" BADU demanded . . .

"Why do I have to wait until he CRIES ?!?!"

And, she said . . .

And, she said . . .



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