Senin, 22 Maret 2010

Visit My New Website - Usaha Online


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Anda mau punya usaha sampingan ? Cukup dikerjakan dirumah saja !!
Modal Kecil - Mudah dan Murah

Inginkah Anda kami tunjukkan

 bagaimana mendapat uang tambahan

Rp.5 jt ? Rp.15 jt? atau lebih ?

hanya dari usaha online dimulai

dengan modal kecil saja?

Akan kami tunjukkan hari ini juga dan Anda dalam 7 hari
bisa mulai bisnis dan meraih jutaan rupiah ...
asal tahu caranya ! 

Kamis, 18 Maret 2010

Re: Hipnotis.................

Hipnotis.... .

Seorang wanita pulang mengabarkan pada suaminya kalau penyakit migraine menahunnya sudah sembuh total. Rupanya dia pergi mengunjungi ahli hipnotis. Dia disuruh berdiri menghadap cermin, lalu menatap matanya sambil mengulangi kata-kata "Saya tidak punya migren, saya tidak punya migren, saya tidak punya migren". Hasilnya? Migrennya lenyap.

"Wah...hebat benar Ma!", jawab suaminya.

Si istri lalu berkata, "Pa, Papa kan tahu sendiri, akhir-akhir ini papa sudah ngga bergairah dan loyo di ranjang. Gimana kalo Papa juga terapi ahli hipnotis itu?

Si suami setuju lalu pergi. Sepulangnya di rumah dia segera merobek pakaiannya, menggendong istrinya dan membawanya ke kamar. Diletakkannya si istri yang sedang tersenyum mesra di ranjang dan berkata, "Jangan kemana-mana, Papa segera kembali"

Dia pergi ke kamar mandi, kembali beberapa menit kemudian, melompat ke atas ranjang dan merekapun segera terlibat dalam percintaan yang sangat membara, yang belum pernah dirasakan sang istri sebelumnya.

"Wah...Papa luar biasa!"

"Eit! Jangan kemana-mana, Papa segera kembali"

Kembali si suami masuk kamar mandi, kembali ke ranjang dan memulai ronde 2 yg bahkan lebih hot lagi.

Lagi-lagi si suami berkata, "Papa segera kembali"

Kali ini si istri diam-diam mengikutinya dan di sana , dia melihat suaminya berdiri di depan cermin sambil berkata, "Dia bukan istriku! Dia bukan istriku! Dia bukan istriku!" Dia Paris Hilton...... .."




So Scarry

The Problem is, what is it doing to you?  Is it frying your brain?

clik  POPCORN  

Hiyyyyyyy syeremmmmmm...


Senin, 08 Maret 2010

Jason Aldean The Truth Lyrics

Jason Aldean The Truth Lyrics

Country Music

Contry Music - Big Green Tractor - Enjoy it

Minggu, 07 Maret 2010

RE: Intermezo.......


Disebuah perusahaan hi-tech dibilangan Tambun-Bekasi - ditahun 2015..........terjadi sebuah percakapan ringan...........
Boss bilang "Son, sekretaris baru tuh? cantik dan seksi juga ya..?" Sonny jawab "Itu sebetulnya robot baru ciptaan saya boss.."
Boss nya kaget "Yang bener loe.. kok mirip banget sama cewe beneran..?"
Sonny bilang "Bukan cuma mirip boss, selain bisa bergerak dan diajak ngobrol kayak manusia, gw lengkapin dia dengan berbagai "gadgets", sehingga bisa melakukan berbagai fungsi sekretaris dan peralatan kantor. Multi fungsi boss.. dan bikin asik.."

Boss nya penasaran "Multi fungsi dan bikin asik nya gimana..?" Sonny njelasin "Di matanya gw taro chip digital imaging, jadi kalo mau foto copy, rekam video, motret, scanning.. tinggal kita elus-elus matanya. Di kupingnya gw taro chip ponsel, kalo kita mau telpon atau kirim fax.. bisikin aja nomernya ke kuping dia.. Di tangannya gw tanam chip typing device.. tinggal kasih dokumen..kita belai-belai tangannya.. dia input ke computer boss.."

Boss makin penasaran.. "Wah canggih lo Son.. apa lagi nih fiturnya..?"
Sonny bilang "biar lebih asyik boss.. di toket nya gw taro coffee maker.. jadi kalo mau kopi susu.. tinggal remes-remes toketnya.. keluar deh........kopi susu.. asik kan boss..? dan buat bonus nih boss......... di "anu" nya gw tempatin real vibrator.. kalo lagi horny kan bisa sekalian di pake boss.. rasanya mirip aslinya deh.."

Boss langsung kepincut.. "Wah.. bikin kepingin tau gw Son.. bisa gw pinjem bentar gak nih.. gw bawa ke ruangan gw ya..?" Sonny bilang.. "silakan boss.."
Si boss pun menuntun sekre-robot itu ke ruangannya.. Gak lama kedengeran suara2 desahan dari ruangan boss.. .............Sony senyam-senyum aja dengernya.. 10 menit kemudian.. tiba-tiba terdengar.."Aaaaaaaaarggggghhhhh…. Aaaaarrrgggghh…!!.. Adooooohhhhh..........gubrak… !!"

Sonny langsung pucet.. "waduh.. gw lupa nih kasih tau boss gw di pantatnya gw taro rautan pensil otomatis..,,!


Jumat, 05 Maret 2010

SEO Tips That the Experts Don't Always Tell You !

Many Search Engine Optimization (SEO) consultants and companies have theories about the best SEO tactics, but they don’t always back them up with proven experiments.

I came across one company from Canada which took SEO optimisation into their own hands and learned through experience and extensive testing a few proven ways to boost Google’s rankings of your website.

1. Encourage other sites to link to yours – this may be a well known strategy but it can’t be reinforced enough. Consider joining forces with other companies in your industry “food chain” offering to add a link of their site on your webpage in exchange for a link of your site on their webpage.

2. Leverage Social Bookmarking – Google trusts sites more if visitors bookmark them. The growth of social bookmarking services, such as or StumbleUpon, makes this relatively easy to do. Install the “Add This” button on each web page so visitors can bookmark your site easily.

3. Post videos that are relevant to search terms – YouTube has proven that video is a powerful attention grabber. It doesn’t have to be fancy or high-budget. A simple 30-90 sec “how to” video that’s relevant to your search term can have a big impact on your SEO optimization.

4. Keep Google in the loop – consider sending Google an XML sitemap which shows your site’s coding each time you make an update. Google will help you correct any errors in your sitemap to make its indexing more accurate and will crawl your site more often if you routinely send it sitemap updates.

5. Optimise each page to a search term – if you have titled all of your title tags the same then Google is less likely to realize you have a page full of content for someone searching for information on, say, “small business infrastructure.” By putting a search term in each title tag this allows you to focus the content of each page and labeling on specific keywords.

6. Have photos and label them – a web page with a photo relevant to a given search will outrank the same page without one, providing you label the photo with the appropriate tag. For example, “small_business_bookkeeping.jpg” instead of a digital camera’s default “123.jpg” will be more effective. As well, be sure to run the same keywords in the “alt text” tag that lets you describe the image for the visually impaired. So many leave these tags blank, but Google indexes them and rewards pages on which a search term appears more often.

There you have it. These simple suggestions have been proven by one company in Canada and I’m sure they could work for every small business interested in getting their site to the top of the Google search listings!

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